Regularly cleaning your carpet not only means a nicer home and a longer-lasting carpet, but it also contributes to your health. Your carpet can act like a sponge that collects a variety of pollutants and particles. The soft fibers that make up a carpet make an attractive home for dust mites, especially when dirt and other debris is allowed to buildup. If not cleaned properly, your carpet could result in a reduced air quality and cause health issues. Hiring a professional carpet cleaner is the most effective way to prevent this from happening in your home.
Did you know that your carpet could be causing your allergies? Buildup of allergens, dust mites, and other harmful particles is not uncommon. However, this problem can be easily solved by hiring a professional carpet cleaner. Being sure to have your carpets steam cleaned at least once a year is an important part of home maintenance. The EPA has warned that a buildup of pollutants such as dust, dirt, pet dander, food crumbs, and chemical residue can lead to health problems. Allergens and dust mites can make symptoms of asthma, for example, much more severe. It is far too easy for this to happen in your home. An activity as simple as walking across the carpet can leave something you don’t want behind. For any home-owner, learning about allergens and dust mites and how to prevent them from taking over your home, will prove valuable.
Allergens Might Be Trapped In Your Carpet
Allergens can buildup in your closet and make your sneezing fits more frequent. Hiring a professional to steam clean your floors is the easiest way to keep your carpet from causing your allergies. Carpet cleaning companies have the proper equipment to clean and dry your floors. They will remove dust, dirt, and other unwanted particles from your carpet; and see that it dries properly, preventing mold growth. Below are some of the most common allergens found in residential carpets, and how they could be affecting you.
- Pet Dander – Your furry friend sheds skin cells onto your carpet whenever they move around. It is important that you tackle pet dander right away. This is because pet dander particles get buried deeper in the carpet than most. In addition to this, once pet dander is released into the air the size and density of these particles allows them to stay suspended for a long time. Constantly breathing in allergens can cause you to develop allergies, or worsen the symptoms of existing ones.
- Dirt And Pollen – Walking around with dirty shoes (or paws!) can leave dirt and pollen behind. These particles will get trapped inside of your carpet. Not only will this take away from its appearance but they can also start to cause health problems. When allergens start to buildup too much, they are released into the air. The air inside your home will start to have dirt and pollen in it. This can be especially troublesome if you have breathing problems already.
Dust Mites
Your old mattresses aren’t the only places that dust mites like to make their homes! Dust mites are arachnids that you can’t see without a microscope. They feed off of dead skin cells, pet dander, and other particles that make up dust, hence their name. Dust mites can usually be found in warmer areas of your home, especially those where there is moisture. While dust mites do not bite people, that doesn’t mean they do not cause harm. A dust mite infestation can cause a number of health problems. Their waste leaves behind enzymes that have been found to trigger asthmatic reactions, among other things. Apart from this many people and pets are allergic to dust mites which can lead to severe problems when they buildup in your home.
Dealing With Dust Mites
Unfortunately dust mites can travel into your home in a variety of ways. They could hitch a ride in your pets fur or on your socks. Even your kids toys might serve as a vehicle that dust mites can use to get into your home. Because of this, it is very hard to prevent dust mites from entering your home. However, the problem is usually not the dust mites themselves, but what they leave behind. Meaning that your focus needs to be on keeping them from making themselves at home. The most effective way to prevent a dust mite infestation in your carpet is having it professionally cleaned regularly. Dust mites can be killed by extreme temperatures, repellents, among other methods. A professional carpet cleaner might use one or many of these techniques to rid your home of a dust mite problem.
Just the word mold is enough to send shivers down your spine. You probably don’t even want to think about mold hiding in your home’s carpet, and for good reason! Mold is a very strong allergen. The effects that it has can be delayed or immediate, and have a wide range of severity. Exposure to mold can cause rashes, asthma, death, and many other health problems. Unfortunately, cases of mold growth in carpet are far more common than you would think. Mold can grow anywhere where there is air, moisture, and something for it to feed off. Dust mites in carpet often become that something. Because of this, anytime you neglect to dry your carpet completely, or clean up spilled food; mold is able to grow.
Preventing Mold From Taking Over Your Carpets
- Take Care Of Stains, The Right Way – If you neglect to clean spilled red wine, or pasta sauce off of your floor you have just created a breeding ground for mold. Food will go bad when it is not stored properly, and inside of your carpet isn’t the best place. It is important that you not only take care of spills when they happen, but that you do it the right way.
- Keep Your Home At A Cool Temperature – Warm temperatures in your home can inspire increased humidity, and mold growth. Warm, humid temperatures have been found to encourage mold to grow and spread. Try keeping your home at a temperature below 80’F. Not only will this keep temperatures low enough to keep mold at bay, but it will reduce humidity in your home.
- Hire A Professional Carpet Cleaner – One of the most common things that people do that causes mold growth in their home is failing to completely dry their carpet after cleaning it. Since mold loves water, too much moisture left over after a DIY steam cleaning can allow the allergen to take over your carpets fast. That is why it is important to call a professional carpet cleaner when it is time to steam clean your floors. Only the professionals have the proper equipment to make sure that your carpet is cleaned and dried completely.
Hiring A Professional Carpet Cleaner To Take Care Of Allergens And Dust Mites In Your Home
If you want to practice proper home maintenance, you should hire a professional carpet cleaner at least once a year. Doing this won’t just keep your floors looking nice and feeling soft. Carpet cleaners will also help to make sure that you do not have any buildups of harmful particles in your home. Dust mites and other allergens could be hiding in your carpets. These things can cause a number of health problems, and make existing ones more severe. A professional steam cleaning uses high temperatures, and other methods to eliminate all of the things you don’t want, from your carpet. After the cleaning, carpet cleaning companies have the proper equipment to make sure that your carpet dries completely. Preventing mold from growing back.
When it comes time for you to hire a professional carpet cleaning company make sure that you are hiring someone that you trust. The service provider that you choose should be able to communicate with you well, and answer any questions that you have. By doing some research you should be able to verify that this person is qualified to do the job. Additionally, you should be able to find reviews from past customers that will help you get a better idea of what to expect. Take the time to make sure that you are getting the best Las Vegas carpet cleaning possible!